Labels:box | bulletin board | grandstand | monitor | paper | poster | sky | vegetarianism OCR: SIZING UP YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENTS As this table shows reducing the amount you $11,300 or $9.800 Home-oquity tolal paymenls finance on a car loan can cut monthly payments are calculated on an after tax basis for some- even mare than Lowering the interest rate. . En the one in the 28% federal bracket: the other loans first example we assume you finance over four don't account for taxes since those write-offs years 513 .500 of I car you buy for $15,000. The will disappear in 1991 . Dealer-financing terms sacond and third examples assume that you Tei var considerably and the loans generally are the price down $13.800 and finance either na available to buyers who accept rebates Finarcir laterest Meathl surd pimmen PRICE $15,000 DOYYI Ran nar 11.829 354 $16.992 Home aquity Hoan 11.65 -354 16.021 C ...